- Considering the Universe - Your Life path Home

Description: Self help, personal growth, spirituality, New Age. When you start to consider your own universe there seem to be so many methods promising enlightenment, it's hard to know where to begin - astrology, numerology, feng shui, tarrot

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Self help, personal growth, spirituality, New Age, the list goes on and on. When you start to consider your universe there seem to be so many methods promising enlightenment, it's hard to know where to begin.

Bear with us on the chaos theory article. It seems a bit technical upon first read, but it actually isn't as difficult to grasp as it may seem initially. Give it a go! Traditional Newtonian physics is often understood as deterministic, where physical matter operates within fixed and knowable laws, there is cause and effect. Therefore, classically it has been assumed that it is theoretically possible that precise predictability of a system could be achieved if enough information about the system is collected

Quantum Physics may seem complicated to understand. It is. The reason is not because of the math or science involved (even though that could be hard to grasp), it's because of the unbelievable philosophical implications that arise out of understanding it. Niels Bohr, a renowned physicist and author of Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics once said, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."