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Description: Seth Gottlieb's personal blog

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In my last re-platforming of this blog , I accidentally dropped the Creative Commons Attribution licensing that I had been using. Blogging platforms treat licensing as part of the format rather than the content itself. The format is part of the CMS theme so when the CMS changes, the content moves but the licensing does not. I am still trying to make up my mind as to whether I think that is a good thing. But at the moment, I am thinking about the broader issue of content re-use and attribution in light of be

People publish content for a variety of reasons. Personally, I write to explore and refine ideas and also for the potential to discuss these topics with people who stumble across my posts (although that rarely happens). There is also a recognition element. My blog is where people can associate me with what I know and think. Many websites and communities are built around the value of recognition. For example, sites like Stack Overflow have a culture around recognizing and rewarding expertise.

I have been using the Creative Commons Attribution license because I want people to use and further my ideas and I also want to be part of the ongoing discussion and evolution of those ideas. Based on the language of the license, I thought it would protect these interests: