- Free AIA HSW Credits | The Continuing Architect

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This is your go-to source for free AIA-approved continuing education for architects. Plus, almost all our courses are delivered in streaming HD video. Registration is fast and easy, just click on Login/Register above. Then, you can enroll in any of our courses found in any of our programs with a single click. Our courses meet or exceed NCARB's high standards for state board license renewal. AIA member? Your credit will be reported to AIA for you.

This course covers the aesthetic, design, health, safety and welfare aspects of, and certifications achieved by wallcoverings laminated with DuPont™ Tedlar® polyvinyl fluoride film. Because Dupont™ is the only source for Tedlar® film there is no comparable competitive product in the market place. Therefore, we will be referring to the product from time to time by using its registered trademark brand name, Tedlar®.

Owing to the unique nature of this product, an architectural specification describing the PVF film known as Tedlar®. You will need to download this document to begin the course. At least one of the concluding quiz questions is based on this supplemental material.