- Cooking To Change The World - delicious food for a resilient world from your home and a professional kitchen

Description: Cooking To Change The World - delicious food for a resilient world from your home or a professional kitchen

health (21452) nutrition (6328) organic (5368) sustainability (3792) independence (429)

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Every time we eat, we cast a vote for the energy we want, the body we shape and the world we believe in. Never in the human history, have our food choices had such a profound impact on the world. Be it in terms of soil, air and water footprint or as a connection to other beings. Never before have we been so subjected to corporations eager to make our days into yet another occasion for consumption. Never before have we had so many opportunities to change. Never before has cooking been so easy and so much fun

Hana Hrstková

The effects of not cooking are far reaching. Relying predominantly upon large corporations to source and process our food means we often consume products of dubious origin with large quantities of salt, sugar, fat and unwanted substances. This way, we disbalance our health, disrupt an essential link to the natural world and often weaken our relationships with family and friends.