Description: Public safety applications. Private security cameras registration, live private surveillance camera video streaming.
security cameras (540) public safety (284) crowdsourcing (134) surveillance cameras (106) live video streaming (32) publicam (5) police tools (3) private camera registration (3) public/private initiative (3) map-based app (3)
is a set of private security camera-related products developed for Police
PubliCam registration, a highly effective visual tool that supports joint initiatives between the local police and private surveillance camera owners.
With the proliferation of private surveillance cameras, many police departments find them to be a potentially important source of visual information that helps with investigations and solving crimes. Many municipalities are already collecting databases of private cameras. PubliCam is a database and visual tool that facilitates these joint public-private programs. You can read more about PubliCam here . To request a demo or a detailed brochure, please contact us using this form .