- Home - CoreCool™ Palm Cooler

Description: Maximize fitness results with the CoreCool™palm cooler designed to keep you at full power longer. Perfect for all kinds of strength and cardio training, hot flashes, and insomnia from elevated body temperature. Join our waiting list now!

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Are you tired of hitting a wall during your workouts? Do you want to push past your limits and achieve your full fitness potential? Look no further than CoreCool™ - the palm cooler that can revolutionize your workout routine.

Our cutting-edge design uses Palm Cooling to optimize your thermoregulation during exercise, providing a continuous supply of energy so you can keep working at full power until the end of your workout. Our palm cooler hits a Goldilocks temperature that’s just right – not too cold that it vaso-constricts your veins, and not too warm that your core temperature fails to drop. Plus, with a slight vacuum to open up your blood vessels and accelerate cool blood flowing back to your core, you’ll feel the effects im

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