- Cormac Buckley | Singer, Songwriter, Worship Artist

Description: For Cormac Buckley, music is his passion, in particular songwriting and making good music and added to that his Christian faith is just so important to him.

jesus (8063) singer (6559) worship (3633) songwriter (3603) dublin (1815) christian singer (22) one step closer (2) cormac buckley (1) irish christian singer (1) living water community (1)

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'One Step Closer' is the brand new dubut album from Cormac Buckley featuring Cormac and his very talented band. The album itself brings an exciting fresh and joyful sound to Contemporary Christian worship. Cormac is a guitarist / singer / songrwriter and worship leader who has been involved with music for many years.

Hi there. Thanks for checking out my site. Just a little about me and what I'm doing. Music is my passion, in particular songwriting and making good music. Added to that my Christian faith is just so important to me. It's with those ingredients that this album came about. The songs really grew organically from worshipping with the Living Water Community in Dublin. They are songs designed to hopefully bring people to an encounter with God. They were proving popular so I decided to sit down with Rónán Johnsto

Contact Cormac Buckley Phone: +353 1 234 5678 | Email: [email protected]

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