- CoronaNet Research Project

Description: The CoronaNet Research Project is a worldwide effort that tracks government COVID-19 policies.

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The CoronaNet Research Project compiles a database on government responses to the coronavirus. Our principal focus is to collect as much information as we can about the various fine-grained actions governments are taking to address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To date, this dataset provides the most comprehensive and granular documentation of such government policies in the world, capturing data for 18 broad policy categories alongside many other dimensions, including the initiator, target, and timing of a policy. While subnational data is available for most countries, we make a systematic effort to collect subnational (ISO administrative level 2) data for the following countries: Brazil, China, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Nigeria, Russia, Spain

In total, we have identified around 170 thousand observations from other datasets which could potentially be harmonized. At the end of this harmonization process, we will produce a single dataset that will be able to amalgamate (e.g. remove duplicate information, clean observations, harmonize data to the same taxonomy) existing information for government COVID-19 policies made until October 2021 here .

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