Description: Research etc. by Colin McSwiggen
math (2240) colin (95) cosmc (1) mcswiggen (1)
contact \\ research \\ talks \\ teaching \\ academic cv \\ other
email: [email protected]
Pure math and mathematical physics: J. Huang, C. McSwiggen (2023). "Asymptotics of generalized Bessel functions and weight multiplicities via large deviations of radial Dunkl processes." Submitted. arXiv:2305.04131 S. Matsumoto, C. McSwiggen (2023). "Moments of random quantum marginals via Weingarten calculus." Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN. : rnad105. arXiv:2210.11349 B. Collins, C. McSwiggen (2023). "Projections of orbital measures and quantum marginal problems." Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 : 5601-5640. ar