- NCPS | Counselling Matters

Description: We support and promote counselling and counsellors, offering a wide variety of benefits to our members and training providers.

join the accredited register a society registrant is listed pub (6) but all registrants have met the society’s standards for practic (6) and demonstrated substantial post-training professional developm (6) and has also gained significant further professional development (6)

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Log in Counsellor Directory How can Counselling help me? What are the different types of therapy? What do the different therapist titles mean? What is the Accredited Register? Counselling Courses What can you expect from a counselling course? CPD Training Outside of the UK FAQs Become a member Individual Training Provider Organisations Complaints Counselling Society Complaints & Concerns Procedure Outcome of Complaints Complaints About Our Staff Concerns and Complaints about a Training Provider Concerns and

Become a member to be featured on our register and to receive all of the benefits of membership

In May 2013 the Society was one of the first organisations to gain Accredited Register status with the Professional Standards Authority programme