- Cozy Beehive

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Hi everyone. I know its been an awfully long time since I posted anything on this website. However, life happens and as we all know, priorities get shifted. While I'm still cycling in the United Arab Emirates when the heat is down, I do it quietly and enjoy its technicalities in person. I don't waste too much time these days looking into the latest and greatest cycling hardware. As it turns out, there's a time and place for everything and I realize that my youth was a time when I was reveled by cycling tech

This image of the alleged Chechnan terrorist planting a bag full of explosives next to a kid in Boston is seriously disturbing.  Evidently, anti-doping won't be the only concern for cycling in the years going forward.  The bombs that went off in Boston raise a disturbing question about other open spectator events of international platform such as the Tour de France.  The TdF may need to seriously rethink their security strategy going forward. What is to stop one from thinking a bomb could detonate next on a

Bicycles are a 100+ year old technology. We know that automobile and aviation engineers first tinkered on the bicycle to gain inspiration, or to use it as a stepping stones to a greater technology. Several challenges in bicycle design led to the invention of new technology that were directly transferable to other fields requiring similar solutions. The bicycle has given us the pneumatic tires, roller bearings, crank and linkage mechanisms, chain drives, advancements in metallurgy and construction and much m