- Crafty Little Girl – Tags, Cards, Papercrafts

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Tags, Cards, Papercrafts

New content, who ‘dis? Wow, it’s been a long time. How is the pandemic treating you? In the beginning, I thought I was going to be one of those hyper-productive types, who takes their website and hobbies to the next level. It turns out that is not me, not even a little bit. In my full-time job, I’ve been working from home since March 2020 and it turns out spending most of your time at home can be really draining. I took my first real vacation (not just a stay-cation) only two weeks ago. Yes, I’ve made a bun

My tag is relatively simple, but I was able to use a bunch of random scraps for the background. If you are anything like me, you probably have a pile (or multiple piles) of leftover scraps from other projects. It is the “I know I’ll use this for something someday” pile. The biggest problem with those piles? They aren’t always cohesive elements, as you can see from my before picture below.