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Description: With a background in Dog Training and as a lifelong Dog owner, I have a genuine love for all things canine, I've compiled a comprehensive collection of fit for purpose, durable Dog products. Whether you have a working Dog involved in bite work and protection work, Dog Sports or you simply want the very best for your furry companion, you'll find my carefully chosen recommendations here on

Example domain paragraphs Tough Dog Toys & Tough Dog Products For Working Dogs & Pet Dogs

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As a Dog Trainer & Dog Owne & being as passionate as I am about all things Dog related, I have put together, in one place, my *recommended selections of Tough / Tougher Dog Products (Including Tough Dog Toys) for Your Dog : Working Dogs – Bite Work & Protection Shutzhund Supplies/I.P.O/I.G.P Etc Pet Dog s – A Selection of Tough Dog Toys & Tough Dog Products Along with Dog Health Supplements & Dog Grooming equipment!

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