Description: Port Townsend-based Web & Graphic Design and information about Viento Loco: physhedellic funk experience. The sailing adventures of the SV Macho Burrito
design (78686) music (53701) web (37052) graphic (6190) graphics (5806) sailing (2396) frank (770) macho (58) depalma (5) crazywind :: for wherever live takes you...
Visit our blog Thailand 2004 Click for Port Townsend forecast.
Beware of Patriotism How would you spend $100? in the middle of the street gore • Mount Rainier 1998 • Christmas 2003 • Sailing 2000 • New Years Eve 0304 • Wedding 2001 • Frank's "Surprise!" Birthday 2004 • Thailand 2004 Mount Rainier I knew it would be hard, but had no idea how hard. I didn’t know that in a few short days I would be climbing up the side of a crevasse with my ice axe at 1:00 am and by sunrise, forcing air in and out o