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With the May 2023 upgrade of Bitcoin Cash, the Cashtoken protocol will be activated. This protocol introduces native support for fungible and non-fungible tokens on Bitcoin Cash, marking a significant advancement from previous Layer-2 token issuance protocols such as the Simple Ledger Protocol .

However, in comparison to popular existing protocols like ERC20 , the Cashtoken protocol still lacks certain features. Most notably, it does not specify the token's symbol, name, and decimals.

The CRC20 protocol is an extension to the Cashtoken protocol. It specifies three metadata fields for tokens: symbol, name, and decimals, applicable to both fungible and non-fungible tokens. It adopts a two-stage registration process similar to ENS : first committing the hash of the metadata onto the blockchain, then revealing the metadata itself. This process prevents attackers from maliciously rushing to register metadata through block reorgs.

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