Description: Buskey - Corporate Business Template

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Credibility Alliance is a consortium of Voluntary Organizations (VOs) committed towards enhancing Accountability and Transparency in the Voluntary Sector through good Governance. Registered in May 2004 as an independent, not-for-profit Organization, CA emerged as an initiative from within the Sector. The Organization was formed after an extensive consultative process over a period of two years involving more than 500 VOs all over India. As an Organization, CA aspires to build trust among all stakeholders th

The concept of Credibility Alliance Emerged in December 2001 following a two year long consultations across stakeholders and geographies about the norms and standards of CSO Governance and Accountability leading to formation of Credibility Alliance in 2004  

We are committed to promote good governance , transparency and accountability to promote trust and image  of the Voluntary sector and create enabling environment for forging partnership between NPOs, Government and Corporates-CSR.

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