- Empowering Communities Through Education, Healthcare, and Sustainable Development Initiatives | crescent welfare MW

Description: Crescent Welfare Organization in Malawi uplifts and supports the underprivileged through essential resources and services. Our compassionate and community-driven approach ensures positive change for a better quality of life.

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Homepage Our Projects Gallery About Us Contact Us Homepage Our Projects Gallery About Us Contact Us Search Search TOGETHER WE CAN Services About Us Image Slide 2 Image Slide 1 Masjid 2 Image Slide 3 Inside IMG_20220620_161700 PROJECTS WE CARRY OUT ZAKAT Build a Masjid Qurbani Collection and Distribution Build a Well or Borehole IRRIGATION kids school uniforms ramadhan packages Our History

Crescent Welfare was founded in 2019 to serve as a conduit for providing assets, services, food, and other resources to the underprivileged throughout Malawi and Zambia. Since its inception, the Trust has made substantial contributions to poverty reduction, empowerment, community upliftment, and sustainability programs since its inception. Crescent Welfare, with the help of donors, was able to feed approximately 15,000+ families in Malawi and Zambia in 2021.

Every Muslim now has the chance to take part in a deed that Allah Almighty adores. Your simple commitment will provide long-term benefits while relieving the burden and concern of someone in need.