- Cretan View Apartments, Welcome to Cretan View Apts

Description: Cretan View Apartments in Stavros-Akrotiri, Chania, Crete.

apartments (11832) accommodation (9398) villas (2131) crete (632) kreta (294) chania (164) kriti (30) stavros (18) krete (8) kiani (4)

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Cretan View Apartments are located in a picturesque area of four acres, close to the shore at the location of Stavros in Akrotiri, Chania. It is in this area that the movie ‘Zorba the Greek’ - frοm the book of the same name by Nikos Kazantzakis, directed by Michael Kakoyannis and music by Mikis Theodorakis - was filmed.

It is a site that represents the charm of Crete and Cretans as it combines images from rugged and tall mountains, steep shores and sandy beaches, a cultural legacy inherited from the Minoan civilization -the first island culture of Europe- and an excellent hospitality ‘filoxenia’, memorable to the visitor.