- Crime Novelists: Author Bibliographies of Mysteries, Suspense Novels, Thrillers, and Crime Fiction.

Description: Crime Novelists: Author Bibliographies of Mysteries, Suspense Novels, Thrillers, and Crime Fiction

writers (1111) authors (943) mysteries (357) thrillers (217) bibliography (143) crime fiction (127) suspense novels (20) novelists (19) list of books (5) books by (4)

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Welcome to , a directory of mystery, suspense and thriller authors and their published works. Our website is organized by author's last name, and then on each author page by series character(s), if applicable. Within each author and series, books are listed in order of publication with the title, publisher, format, date, original price (if known), and ISBN. For US titles, links are provided to search for books and ebooks to purchase. Most author pages have a notes section, where informati