- CrimLawandPolicy

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Welcome to this year’s edition of the Criminal Law and Policy Blog, a product of the Criminal Law and Policy Seminar at Santa Clara University School of Law. This year we will be focusing on an issue that is particularly relevant to Santa Clara: campus safety. As with my past courses on marijuana legalization and bail reform , both of which resulted in statewide policy changes, the goal for this class is for students to produce work that informs campus administrators both locally and nationally.

We are starting with some foundational questions. First, what do we mean by safety–and how do we account for the potential harms (“unsafety”) created by the operations of campus safety itself, particularly as relates to BIPOC faculty, staff, students, and members of the surrounding community? How are the safety issues of university campuses different from those of similarly sized cities and towns (if at all)? Can we borrow from police governance in places, and, if so, where, and, if not, why not? How are ca

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