- My Name Is Michael - This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.My Name Is Michael | This is my blog. There

Description: This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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It’s been a week since I deactivated my Twitter account, and I don’t miss it.

I suppose that’s not a 100% accurate statement because if it was completely out of mind I wouldn’t be writing a blog post about it, but I can honestly say that I haven’t once been tempted to reactivate my account or even go to the site. I have, in fact, actively avoided doing so and have even been reluctant to follow people on Mastodon who are using the instance to post content.  

Shortly before deactivating I ruminated on some of the reasons I was hesitant to do so, and one of the biggest hurdles I had to get over was accepting the fact that my decades-long pursuit of wealth and fame through the internet was over.