- Artmerse | Immersed in Art

Description: Modern 3D Immersive Metaverse Museum Portfolio using React, Three.js and Typescript

javascript (14760) museum (4865) nft (4056) react (3927) art gallery (2295) js (1765) reactjs (454) three-js (10) porfolio-app (4) modern-ui/ux (4)

Example domain paragraphs

You can navigate this demo on a computer, but a phone or tablet is best for added gyroscopic interaction.

For the best viewing experience on a computer, after the tour loads, press the "M" key to change the mode from the default "fly" to "walk." This keeps you "walking" through the space naturally.

On a mobile device, press the "Settings" menu & then select "walk" under Travel Mode, as shown below.