Description: CROWD ROASTER は『世界中の厳選生豆』と『一流の技術を持つ焙煎士』の組み合わせを自由に楽しむ事ができるサービスです。

高品質 (374) コーヒー豆 (310) 焙煎 (118) 厳選 (90) ロースター (22) 一流 (13) 焙煎士 (3)

Example domain paragraphs


Together with AI, we will consider the relationship between people and coffee and look for hints to expand it, such as the future ways to enjoy coffee presented by AI and the coffee services that are likely to appear in the future.

Together with AI, we will consider the relationship between coffee and people and search for hints to expand it, including future ways of enjoying coffee as presented by AI and coffee services that may emerge in the future.

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