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Leading the way to a prosperous Africa.

The Queendom of Sheba is the ancestral Imperial Matriarchal ruling Kush Nubia-Egypt Mother Throne of Thrones, the Throne of SHEBA. and included Sheba Yemeni in its history past, and as Imperial and Royal Houses, the oldest of the Kingdoms lines of the South.

On 22nd August 2021, the Imperial Decree for the Imperial Queendom Investment Authority was signed by the Queen of Sheba the Head of State of the Queendom Crown Government, to implement the investment needs in line with the Crown of Sheba Central Bank that was established by the CSCB Act and thereafter, The Queendom of Sheba Investment Authority-QSIA towards the African Continent Development Investment agenda. The Bank was created by the CSCB Act in 2021 during Her Imperial Majesty Empress Sheba - Queen She

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