- e-Signature, Digital Signature, Encryption, Digital Certificate, e-Certificate, PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), PKI Key Pair Ge

Description: e-Signature, Digital Signature, Encryption, Digital Certificate, e-Certificate, PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), PKI Key Pair Generator Software & Application, CA (Certificate Authority), Security Robot for Encrypting, Sending, Viewing and Storing Your Message & e-Signature

security (10094) encryption (439) digital signature (177) e-signature (113) digital certificate (27) e-certificate (4) pki (public key infrastructure) (4) pki key pair generator software & application (3) pki (public key infrastructure) ca (certificate authority)

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A t present, the electronic commerce laws are enforcing in many countries around the world. Especially, this year, member of APEC must move to the digital trade/paperless trade using electronic documents or e-documents and e-Signature/digital signature. Therefore, this requires strong security and encryption to apply on an e-document, and it must be able to identify who's who being involved with such e-document (e.g. the owner, sender, keeper, and generator), and even specific values such as a product price

Secure web-Mail™ V3.60 The CryptBot Secure web-Mail™ was developed for solving the e-mail security problems, especially the attacks of junk or spam e-mails and viruses. This web-based security application also serves you with the digital identity and confidentiality of your e-mail by using the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure); digital signature and encryption, which you can digitally sign and encrypt your e-mail on the IE web browser. The standard secure web-mail consists of three types of e-mail m

web-Sign™ V3.05 (Workflow Connectivity Version) Now, it's available for serving anybody whom want to smoothly and digitally sign an e-Document on a web-based workflow. The new version of CryptBot web-Sign™ V 3.05 was developed and upgraded from its previous version which intently designed for stand-alone using and not appropriate to apply for using with a workflow system. This new web-based digital signature program was integrated with many outstanding security functions of CryptBot™ such as

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