encryption (439) cryptography (288) decrypt (43) decryption (36) cypher (35) cryptographie (18) cryptage (12) crypter (10) decrypter (5) décrypter (1)
CryptUp secures your data. It encrypts any kind of file on any kind of medium: floppy disk, removable or fixed hard drive, USB key, etc.!
CryptUp secures your e-mail attachments right away, without your having to modify your mail system. You can safely send files over your Intranet or the Internet using any mail system that supports file attachments.
CryptUp also secures the files you delete! By using the built in shredder, your files will be irremediably and definitively destroyed, and made unrecoverable, whatever the means, existing or to come, used to try to restore them. Even their name will have disappeared from the File Table (FAT and NTFS).