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Happy New Year!  4 Prophetic Words for 2023 Be Alert! Be Ready! Advance! Increase! CLICK TO READ "Be prepared for action at a moment's notice." - Luke 12:35 TPT Genesis 26 says that Isaac lived in the land in the time of famine. In verse 12 it says Isaac sowed and in the same year he reaped a hundredfold and the Lord blessed him. This year God said to expect increase just as Isaac saw God do in Genesis 26:13 - he began to prosper and he became more prosperous and then even more prosperous! Sow into God's pr

Would you consider joining our monthly GENESIS 26:12 Prosperous Partnership?

We believe you will reap in the same year as you sow. And in 2023 we have the added promise of Genesis 26:13 that as we sow, we will increase and become prosperous and more prosperous, we will grow and become great in prosperity and wealth, including riches, health and wisdom! As we partner with each other, may God bless you and make you prosperous. Prosperous in your body, soul and spirit, finances, family and more! Click here to donate monthly.

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