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Description: Play to Win: Business Principles via Music & Fashion

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Find the Opportunity in your Challenges

I was walking back to my co-working space from my developer’s office (really excited that my beta version of my app will be available soon—stay tuned!) when I bumped into a former coworker from my past life. I rejoiced because it felt so good to see a familiar friendly face. We shared updates and she smiled and let me know she’d just been let go from her job. I searched for comforting words and some sort of motivational quote or advice to give, but she cut me off and said, “No I’m really grateful.”

Perhaps my look of confusion prompted her to keep talking. She shared that in her last role she wasn’t fulfilled or motivated. She was given a lot of tasks but struggled to understand the “why” of what she was doing and it made it hard to love her work. She couldn’t see or buy into the vision of her team and that made going to work very challenging. She regularly felt uninspired and detected early the setup was one where she would struggle to be successful.