Description: We represent the work of artisans from around the world who weave, quilt, embroider, stitch, knot, hook, bead, print and dye handmade home goods and accessories. We love the pieces that you can actually use every day that remind you of the talent, patience and skill of women everywhere.
women (5461) guatemala (813) fair trade (587) cooperative (490) ethnic (303) handmade textiles (18) handmade home decor (9) hand woven textiles (2) hand embroidered textiles (2) artisan made home decor (2)
Handmade Home Textiles From Our Far-Flung Travels
"We represent the work of artisans from around the world who weave, quilt, embroider, stitch, knot, hook, bead, print and dye handmade home goods and accessories. We love the pieces that you can actually use every day that remind you of the talent, patience and skill of women everywhere."
-- Cultural Cloth Founders, Mary Anne Wise & Jody Slocum