- Cultural Management Strategy & Practice – Professional Development Program

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On May 20 Ilgiz Yanbukhtin participated in the annual “Russia – Islamic World” (  ) Strategic Vision Group meeting , taking place in Kazan within the XII International Economic Summit “Russia – Islamic World: KazanSummit 2022”. “Cultural Management Strategy & Practice” and “Russia – Islamic World” Strategic Vision Group consider the possibility of the program integration into various international cultural cooperation projects.

On April 8 “Cultural Management Strategy & Practice” Program Director Ilgiz Yanbukhtin  participated in the Legal Online Education Conference, organizer – Katkov.School ( Pavel Katkov is the head). Theme – “Fundamental education and online education – pros and cons”. Watch the dialogue between Ilgiz Yanbukhtin and Pavel Katkov on the above-mentioned topic –

On April 8-10, 2022 Legal Online Education Conference: what, why and from who lawyers may learn in 2022.  Katkov.School is the Conference organizer, led by Pavel Katkov – speaker and partner of “Cultural Management Strategy & Practice”.  Read more “Legal Online Education Conference – April 8-10, 2022”

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