- Cuprit GbR.

Description: Cuprit GbR bietet spezialisierte Dienstleistungen und Beratung im Bereich Geodaten, Webanwendungen, Geodatenbanken und GIS-Systemen für Wissenschaft und Kultur.

datenverarbeitung (116) webanwendungen (92) geodaten (71) datenerhebung (16) datenstrukturierung (7) gis-systeme (3) geodatenbanken (1) open source technologien (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The focus of our work lies in the creation of web applications, geodatabases, management of geodata, consulting, training, maintenance and support of desktop and webGIS systems.

We have established proficiency in handling a wide range of tools and technologies, including but not limited to:

Our customers are public administrations, research centres and small/medium-sized companies.