Description: In this show podcast we share stories of Good and Bad Customer Service. If work in the service industry most people "vote with their feet" and never return to your place of business.. Great customer service is often doing the little things other companies don't do (not mammoth actions costing thousands of dollars) Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash:
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Log in Sign up EN Customer Service Show By Dave Jackson In this show podcast we share stories of Good and Bad Customer Service. If work in the service industry most people "vote with their feet" and never return to your place of business.. Great customer service is often doing the little things other companies don't do (not mammoth actions costing thousands of dollars) Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: Support this podcast Send voice message Setting Expectations and Co
Today I'm recording this from NIC where I got some killer Brisket (four days in a row ) because it was THAT good.