- AAPPTec Custom Peptide Synthesis Services, Peptide API, Custom cGMP Peptides, Peptide Synthesis

Description: AAPPTec provides custom peptide synthesis from mg to bulk API peptides, cGMP peptides, Custom Synthesis of Unusual Amino Acids, Peptide Library.

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AAPPTec chemists have over 20 years experience designing and preparing high quality custom peptides. They have prepared the following guidelines for designing and synthesizing highly effective custom peptides. For more information on how AAPPTec can assist you in filling your custom peptide needs, click  here .

How the peptide will be utilized is one of the major factors in designing the peptide. If the goal is to synthetically replicate a naturally occurring peptide, then the peptide sequence and length are fixed. More often, though, the peptide to be prepared is a fragment of a larger peptide or protein and will be used in binding studies, epitope mapping, structure-function studies, fragment assembly or antibody production. The peptide should be long enough to include the residues responsible for activity but v

N- and C-Terminal Modification

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