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We supply prepaid / cloned credit cards from the US and Europe since 2015, by a professional team responsible for embedding skimmers in US and Eurpope ATMs. In addition, our team of computer experts carries out paypal phishing attacks by distributing e-mail to account holders to get the balance. Bankor is considered to be the most trusted and security place throughout the DarkNet for the acquisition of all these services. Bancor is now online at clearnet!

With the advancement of technology, the world of cybercrime has evolved as well. One of the most common forms of cybercrime is credit card fraud, where hackers use cloned cards to make unauthorized purchases. These cloned cards are created by copying the information from a legitimate credit card and transferring it onto a blank card.

There are numerous online shops where individuals can buy cloned credit cards, along with other illicit items such as pin codes, cvv2 codes, dumps cards, and even hacked PayPal accounts. These shops make it easy for cybercriminals to make purchases without being traced, as the transactions are often done using virtual currencies like Bitcoin.

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