- Cybersmily's Datafort (fansite for Cyberpunk 2020 and CyberPunk Red)

Description: Cybersmily's Datafort is a fansite for R.Talsorian Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk Red game. Contains unofficial rules, gear, npcs, and apps. Last update 2021-04-10

cyberpunk (239) cyberpunk 2020 (7) datafort (2) cybersmily (1) r. talsorian games (1) cyberpunk red (1)

Example domain paragraphs

07-10 - Quick update. I know it has been awhile since my last one and this isn't anything ground breaking. Just doing some small bug fixes to the character generator this time.

Apologies for the long silence. IRL has been sucking up my friend time as I'm in 5 gaming groups now. I wanted to game more but didn't think I would get this much. I run Cyberpunk 2020 and Call of Cthulhu (Masks campaign). I play in a Traveller game, a IU game, and alternate between Battletech and X Wing now. In addition work has been sucking up a lot of time now as well.

If you want to know about my Cyberpunk 2020 game, head over the my World Anvil world . It's a Highrider campaing to free O'Neil 2 from the tyranny of ESA. This has been a lot of work getting this done and keeping the campaign going.

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