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7th European Cyclodextrin Conference September 5 – 8, 2023 Hotel Helia Budapest, Hungary

The cyclodextrin market continues to expand year by year. Nowadays, more than 100 active ingredients are marketed in the form of various cyclodextrin-enabled formulations. Also, the publication dynamics show an ever-increasing trend. The objective of EuroCD2023 is to give the chance for the participants for sharing developments, exchange ideas and initiate future collaboration.

At the forefront of the EuroCD2023 will be the various pharmaceutical applications including the latest results in drug delivery, nanotechnology, gene/RNA delivery, and pipelines in cyclodextrin-enabled drug formulations. The demonstration of innovative cyclodextrin-based drug delivery systems such as pre-filled syringes, microneedle vaccines, nasal sprays, and others are expected. Other key areas will be the biological effects of cyclodextrins in close connection to cyclodextrins as active pharmaceuticals.

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