- Cyrenity [research]

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As systems become both more complex and more resilient it is becoming increasingly important to provide distributed configuration and coordination services to a plethora of agents (coded in various languages and paradigms) across a businesses framework. Consequently providing appropriate tooling, in various languages, has become a central task in many environments for operation success. Quick […]

[Originally published 10/01/2018] The Prion library is now available (Prion @ GitHub) I will have multiple articles forthcoming on the object model and how to utilize the library in different settings. All feedback is welcome. There are obviously many changes/optimizations that can be made. More materials will be available shortly. Getting Started With Prion List of […]

[Originally published 09/24/2018] In terms of distributed systems there has been an evolution from simply marshaling resources of multiple devices (usually lower-end or commodity hardware) to actively controlling entire ecosystems of related processes and assets across multiple datacenters and types. In its earliest form, a distributed system was basically a cluster. While the term cluster […]