dacsgarage.com - Portable CNC Plasma Cutter

cnc plasma (31) portable cnc plasma (2)

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Hi there, my name is Dac. I love making things in my garage. I enjoy tinkering with electrons (electronics) as well as bits (software) and atoms (metal fabrication).

As a maker, there are times when I need to cut metal precisely. This is a good job for a CNC plasma cutter, however, I could not find any on the market that is small and affordable enough for my garage. So, being a tinkerer, I decided to design and build my own. You can buy the plan for the machine below or I also sell fully assembled machine with controller. You can check out my build on YouTube at https://youtube.com/c/DacVu .

This plan come in PDF form and include: 2D drawings, 3D exploded views, parts-list, and electrical schematic. It is of my original 2x2 feet design but can be easily modified for different sizes just by making the rails longer or shorter. A dxf file of the parts is also included. Use button below to order. Please allow at least 12hr for delivery of files. I will send it as soon as I can get to my computer.