- Daddy Mojo

Description: Daddy Mojo is a parenting site on toys, all ages comics, children, education, growing up and family.

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All age comic books, Kidlit, mglit, movies, entertainment and parenting

The Counter Clockwise Heart feels like that classic fairy tale that you were never told. It’s a remarkable book that could’ve been three times as long, but in doing so would’ve been half as interesting. The first chapter in The Counter Clockwise Heart is one of the best introductions we’ve read this year. In those eight pages it perfectly sets up the world of the book’s inhabitants. It does so in a way that alludes to great danger and flashes back to times of unimaginable peril. The Counter Clockwise Heart

For a time period in every kid’s life, they’ll hopefully be best friends with a book. For many of those on the younger spectrum, it’ll happen when they’re in pre-k or even younger. It’s those board books that they’re able to wrangle with their evolving hands. When they get slightly older the pages get skinnier and are combined with more content. Abrams Extend-A-Book has created a new category that overlaps those two and created an entirely new area. All Aboard! The Sesame Street Subway is an Extend-A-Book t