dancingfromgenesisinternational.com - James Nienhuis: Evidences about Ancient History | Genesis History | Biblical History

Description: See how science confirms Genesis history and learn about the truths of the Book of Genesis in the Bible. Historical truth of the Genesis on the veracity of the book of Genesis and biblical truth about Genesis earth origin.

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The author, James I. Nienhuis, is a young earth creationist who is commenting on how mainstream scientists and New Agers are missing the boat (willfully in many cases) as they interpret the evidences about our ancient history. Mr. Nienhuis has a B.Sc. in Earth Sciences from Dartmouth College (1976), and has written two books “Old Earth? Why Not!”, and “Ice Age Civilizations”, is currently writing “Dancing from Genesis”, and has been involved in the production of the documentary, “Ice Age Civilizations”, as

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