daneleyfoundation.org - Dan Eley Foundation – Supporting Youth Initiatives

uk (35406) training (24003) charity (7347) ngo (1809) united kingdom (1769) columbia (1270) young people (347)

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Dan Eley worked as a teacher and an outreach worker before suffering a spinal cord injury during a diving accident while on holiday with friends in the Amazon in 2010. His injuries were life-changing, leaving him paralysed from the shoulders downwards and wheelchair bound ever since.

Dan spent one year in hospital, initially fighting for his life, and then facing up to the enormous physical and emotional challenges of being so severely paralysed.

After leaving hospital Dan was looking for a new purpose as a way to rebuild his life. Drawing on his experience as a teacher and outreach worker, Dan decided to start a charity to help enable disadvantaged young people access vocational training and be supported to find employment.

Links to daneleyfoundation.org (1)