danreiland.com - Dan Reiland – The Pastor's Coach – Developing Church Leaders

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HOME ABOUT BLOG BOOKS Home Developing Church Leaders for a Lifetime of Ministry About Dan Dan Reiland is a coach, consultant, author, teacher, husband, father and grandfather. He brings decades of local church executive leadership experience to his current ministry endeavors that focus on helping leaders excel.

Dan currently serves on the lead team, church board and is the Executive Director of Leadership Expansion at  12Stone Church  in Lawrenceville, Georgia where he served for 20 years as the Executive Pastor. He previously partnered with  John Maxwell  for 20 years, first as Executive Pastor at  Skyline Wesleyan Church  in San Diego, then as Vice President of Leadership and Church Development at Dr. Maxwell.

A personal, practical and thought-provoking approach to your growth as a leader.

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