Description: Balance For All, Inc. provides expert acupuncture treatment in Fort Myers, FL. Acupuncture can treat conditions, symptoms of back pain, neck pain, headaches, arthritis. Acupuncture can help relieve insomnia, stress, anxiety. Acupuncture can assist in fertility, pregnancy. Microcurrent, Fort Myers, North Fort Myers, South Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Lehigh Acres, Estero, Bonita, Naples, Sanibel - Welcome
anxiety (5400) acupuncture (3736) back pain (2443) neck pain (1491) headaches (780) fort myers (770) sciatica (710) knee pain (323) high blood pressure (212) darlene carswell (2)
My mission for over 29 years has been to promote balance within your mind, body, and spirit by helping you discover a more relaxed, healthier, calmer you. Acupuncture and Microcurrent can help achieve profound, positive effects on your health.
Together we can work to achieve your health and wellness goals.
Darlene Carswell, AP Balance For All, Inc. 6238 Presidential Court, Suite 6 Fort Myers, FL 33919 239.980.6793