- BMWK - Das Gaia-X Ökosystem -

Description: Eine vernetzte Dateninfrastruktur für ein europäisches digitales Ökosystem. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Projekt GAIA-X.

digitalisierung (2140) it-sicherheit (589) netzpolitik (18) digitale technologien (8) mittelstand digitalisieren (6) internationale digitalpolitik (5) intelligente vernetzung (5)

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The goal is a secure and federated data infrastructure that stands for European values, digital sovereignty of the data owners, interoperability of different platform and open source. Within this ecosystem, it will be possible to provide, share, and use data within a trustworthy environment. Thus, spurring innovation and creating added value for the data economy to all who share data.

Gaia-X started as an initiative by the former German Minister of Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier and his French counterpart Bruno Le Maire in 2019. In addition to this project on secure data sharing, the Franco-German collaboration also involved cooperation in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and a joint approach to a European data infrastructure that will preserve and expand Europe’s digital sovereignty.

In early 2022, the initial implementation of Gaia-X started with the launch of the first data spaces and related services (e.g. Mobility Data Space). In particular, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action made this possible with its funding competition "Innovative and Practical Applications and Data Spaces in the Gaia-X Digital Ecosystem". The eleven projects selected are tasked with showing how Gaia-X can be implemented and to develop innovations with high market potential.

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