DataStar Documentation Overview Initializing search Overview Getting Started Template Guide DataStar Tools Build Pipelines Release Pipelines FAQ Releases DataStar Documentation Overview Overview Table of contents Code Generation Deployment Getting Started Getting Started Setting Up Setting Up Installation Configure License Basic Concepts Workspace Configuration Creating Templates Creating Scripts Databases Databases Oracle SqlServer Version Control Version Control Connection TFVC Features GIT Features Rally
In many systems code is held in configuration and reference data tables. This data has historically been difficult to manage and migrate through the software development life-cycle. DATASTAR is unique in that it doesn't just version objects such as functions, procedures and triggers; its key feature is its ability to version data by generating scripts that encapsulate the data and their relationships with other tables.
Internal identifiers and foreign key identifiers will typically differ between environments; the scripts that are generated automatically manage these identifiers using alternative or surrogate keys. The generated scripts do not contain transient values therefore different environments can be compared very easily using standard text based comparison tools to compare one set of scripts with another, the scripts themselves are self contained and can be read and understood by anyone who understands SQL.