- Database Security and vulnerability Scanner for Oracle - PFCLScan 2024

Description: Database Security and vulnerability Scanner for Oracle - PFCLScan 2024

database (3731) 2024 (2095) oracle (1413) scanner (961) vulnerability (186) pfclscan (14)

Example domain paragraphs

PFCLScan Version 3.0 is a very simple to use and very comprehensive audit tool to allow you to determine the most detailed view of your current Oracle Security issues. PFCLScan is easy to install and runs on a Windows PC but you can connect to any supported Oracle database and perform a detailed security audit of your own Oracle databases. PFCLScan is a sophisticated product that allows simple pre-defined policies and reports to be run by someone who is not skilled in Oracle database technology BUT it also

Here is a picture of PFCLScan showing the dashboard and also a single page report just after completing a scan of an Oracle database and also a scan of an Oracle database (PFCLScan supports Oracle databases from 9.2 to 23c):

PFCLScan has a very attractive and cost effective licensing scheme based on the installation of PFCLScan on a PC and once licensed and installed you are able to scan any number of databases during your license period. Here is a screen shot showing a password cracker report