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Project management is an important part of the success of any energy project. At the heart of USP&E's project management organisation is a consistent approach to effectively and efficiently managing cost, deadlines, and technical performance requirements. Our commitment to basic project management practices at USP&E enables us to meet project costs and design goals and provide our customers with the expected power generation results.

USP&E specialises in helping customers monitor the service and maintenance of their power generation assets, whether they are developing routine maintenance plans or reducing downtime due to significant repair interventions. Our international O&M team is familiar with controlling generators, power plants and switchgear in the energy industry using almost all OEM software.

As owner’s engineer, USP&E walks our clients through the minefield of risks and rewards associated with the notoriously stubborn obstacles of technical configuration leadership, environmental approvals, finance model auditing, feasibility study writing, proposal management, power purchase agreement writing and negotiation, and financial close. Insurmountable timelines and low capex thresholds are only achieved with the right owner’s engineer.

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