- Data Cleaning for AI ML – Clean your Big Data

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Save Up to 70% in any Data Science project while the High End team can focus on Algorithm Development .

Although cleaning & preparation constitutes 90-95% of the project effort, it is squarely a horizontal operation that does not add to any intellectual property generation. So while we clean and prepare data , your top data scientist can focus more on developing algorithms which actually add to high IP value. This will make your top notched data scientists more efficient in their deliverables.

Several tools, such as Google Data Studio, Alteryx, Tableau, Qlik will be used by our team. The Freelancer/Project team will use the appropriate tools based on volume, location and nature of the client data and deliver the cleaned/formatted data with visualization or ingested in a database-whatever way a client will demand. They can also run initial POC with client suggested tools/machines to do initial QC of the data and feasibility of algorithmic solution.

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