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Example domain paragraphs

We provide more than software, we deliver results. We share our knowledge, advice, expertise, and experience of the business process with our clients every step of the way. We don’t just sell you software and leave you to figure it out. We assign an Initialization Success Manager to develop a well laid plan to make this transition simple and effective. Our trainers deliver live training sessions so you can ask your questions and get real-time feedback.

DataServ’s Digital Mailroom, a part of every DataServ Solution, is truly one of a kind. We receive all of your incoming invoices from any source, in any format. Our technology includes a SaaS-based OCR to capture, transform and normalize all the data into a single-stream of digital required for downstream automation. From there, our highly trained staff executes a 5-step QA process, resulting in over 99% data accuracy within 24-48 hours, all contractually guaranteed.

Once you’ve decided to shift to an automated AP Solution, you want quick results. Our phased approach allows for fast relief with strategic improvement over time.

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