Description: Cyber Security, Digital Advertising and Mobility solutions for large Enterprise and Government End-users.
advertising (14848) japan (4506) government (2843) cybersecurity (2447) mobile apps (1763) enterprise (1515) optimization (871) software applications (60)
We provide a variety of Japan market development services to help global blockchain, crypto, and cyber security vendors to enter, grow, and sustain a profitable business. Services include exclusive representation, distribution, and reselling of proprietary software and services in the world's 2nd largest IT market.
Datases, Inc. is a Japanese blockchain, crypto, and cybersecurity consultancy representing global vendors selling advanced, disruptive, and innovative technologies to Japanese enterprise and government organizations.
With our innovative partnership framework, Datases is trusted by customers, selling and supporting cutting-edge best-of-breed and market-leading solutions to our multi-level channels and end-user customers.